Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter of Recommendation: Shelley Hart

July 27, 2011

To: Whom it may concern

It is my pleasure to recommend Ann Johnson as an outstanding student of Weber State University. I have come to know Ann particularly well in my role as the advertising manager to the student newspaper, The Signpost. Ann worked as the graphics editor of the newspaper. Ann sets the highest standards possible for herself and has consequently helped raise the level of performance of other students associated with her.

Ann is both an artist and a technically proficient graphics editor. She is involved with the graphics and ads for approximately 100 issues of The Signpost every year, everything from the front page to the classifieds section, and then she also designed graphics for front page stories. Ann has done a superb job in that role, and has worked with both our student staff and business professionals, for whom she creates ads. It doesn’t matter which group, she helps both students and professionals present their information in the most pleasing and effective manner possible. Both ads and graphics were nominated for awards with the Utah Press Association and The society of Professional Journalist. The Signpost won General Excellence in its category.

We were lucky to have Ann; she has a very broad skill set and her graphic ability is in high demand from many organizations. She has helped redesigned our layout, kept our content current, created new avenues of communication by pushing the paper onto social media sites. Because of this knowledge and experience, she has brought depth and understanding to a student newspaper.

We also appreciate Ann’s dependability. Very seldom do we select a student to perform the same function in the newsroom for two semesters; we find they tend to burn out. We did not have those reservations about Ann, and we have not been disappointed. She has had the same enthusiasm last semester she displayed the first semester, now she is a seasoned veteran at a student paper. She stays late to create graphics and then arrives early to make sure the paper is online before the rest of the university community is awake. As the advertising manager, I find that dependable students are everything.

The wonderful thing about Ann is that the Internet, art, graphics and journalism are just some of her many interests. She has great intellectual curiosity and wants to obtain additional education to enhance other aspects of her life, but I know that the same determination and commitment she has displayed at the paper would transfer to whatever life pursuits she chooses.

I think Ann would benefit greatly in your program, and I think she would also make a great contribution. I encourage you to give her your serious consideration


Shelley A Hart
Signpost advertising manager
Weber State University

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