Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter of Recommendation: Georgia Edwards

August 4, 2011

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with sincere enthusiasm that I recommend Ann Johnson for your consideration. I worked closely with Ann in her role as graphics editor for Weber State University Newspaper, The Signpost, for two semesters.

In all of her work, Ann was very professional in her attitude and performance. Her dedication was reflected in her sincere quest to make The Signpost an outstanding publication. She spent many hours working to create ads that satisfied our customers with their design, content and creativity.

Ann also created graphics for section editors. Her designs were consistently of the highest quality even when she was working under strict deadline pressure.
In addition to her design ability, what I appreciated about Ann was her dedication. She had the rare ability in a news organization to be polite and upbeat even after long hours and tight deadlines. That attitude helped inspire others to do their best both personally and professionally.

Ann has what it takes to be successful: a strong work ethic, creativity, and a willing attitude. I saw all of those qualities displayed time and again at The Signpost.

As the office manager for many years, I have had the opportunity to work with many students that join the newspaper staff and observe them as they juggle school, work, and their personal lives. Ann stands out with her ability, determination and intelligence.


Georgia Edwards
Office Manager
The Signpost
Weber State University
2110 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408-2110
(801) 626-7974

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